Ballet Recital
Posted by kara
Martha took ballet for many weeks. She loved dressing up and wearing her Frozen headband to class. Her class had two other girls who are a year younger, but they all got along really well.
Last night was their recital. They were on first with a crowd of about 200 people. I didn’t know how she would react to being on stage with the lights on her, but she didn’t seem nervous at all. She

To Kindergarten or Not To Kindergarten
Posted by kara
This fall we had a conference with Martha’s preschool teachers, and they both thought she would be ready for kindergarten next fall. Then in January, as enrollment was creeping up, I dropped an email to Martha’s teacher just to double check that she was on track for kindergarten. Her teacher replied that she is academically ready, but might benefit from another year of preschool to develop socially and emotionally.
Everything she said was not a